Cable Modem Troubleshooting: Scientific Atlanta DPX 100

Light patterns, images, manuals and more helpful info for the Scientific Atlanta DPX 100 cable modem –

Manufacturer: Scientific AtlantaModel: DPX 100
Modem Light Indicators

Illuminates solid green to indicate that power is being applied
to the modem.


Solid green – A functional Ethernet or USB carrier
is present.
Flashing – Ethernet/USB data is being transferred.

DataFlashing – Indicates activity over the cable connection or software

Solid Green – Modem is acquired.
Flashing very slowly – Modem is not authorized on cable network.
Flashing – Modem is booting up, scanning, or seeking registration.

Notes and Useful Information:

Installation and User Manual

Manufacturer Product Website

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Home » Cable Modems » Cable Modem Troubleshooting: Scientific Atlanta DPX 100

0 thoughts on “Cable Modem Troubleshooting: Scientific Atlanta DPX 100”

  1. I work with these modems almost daily & generally if you’re having issues then you have a home network setup with a router.

    To resolve this issue you should be reading your routers instruction guide but if you’re like most people then you’ve already thrown it away.

    Turn off all computers on your network (not just restart, shut down), then unplug your router, reset your modem.

    Wait for the cable light to go solid. Then, plug in the router and wait a minute while they sync. Turn on your PC’s and you should be able to connect.

    If you’re still not connecting you may want to also check the following:
    Disable firewalls. Check your NIC & make sure it’s flashing in the back of your PC when PC is powered on. Do you have updates waiting to be installed?

  2. I have to restart my computer everytime I want to use the internet. This is a modem or internet problem because my computer works perfectly for other functions. What should I do or try?
    thank you.


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