Cable Modem Troubleshooting: Terayon TJ715x

Light patterns, images, manuals and more helpful info for the Terayon TJ715x cable modem –

terayon tj715x cable modem
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Manufacturer: Terayon Model: TJ715x
Modem Light Indicators
PowerOff – unit is not receiving power
On – unit is receiving power
CableOff – no downstream signal or power off
Flashing slowly – downstream signal present, ranging in progress
Flashing fast – registration in progress
On – modem is acquired and ready to transfer data
PCOff – no carrier to/from PC is present or power is off
On – carrier to/from PC is presentr
Data Off – no data is being transmitted or power is off
Flashing – data is being transmitted
Test Off – initial self-test OK or power is off
Flashing – self-test or software download in progress
On – self-test failure
Notes and Useful Information:

Installation Manual, .pdf (757KB)
Manufacturer Website
Manufacturer Product Page
Manufacturer Support Page

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Home » Cable Modems » Cable Modem Troubleshooting: Terayon TJ715x

34 thoughts on “Cable Modem Troubleshooting: Terayon TJ715x”

  1. No one has answered the question of how to fix tj715 when all lights come on and stay on only with power cord in. Changed to 10v same problem.

  2. All of a sudden my son needs a password when visiting for his phone. I do not know of ever having to use one?

  3. I also suddenly had all of the modem lights stay solid lit, even after several power cycles. I replaced the Terayon-branded 10V power supply with a 12V, and the modem worked again.

    Why is Terayon shipping under-powered supplies that fail? Stop!

  4. where can I buy this modem? I desparetely need it much does it cost..I cant find it in Kenya

  5. my godbros internet isnt working and he did all of the troubleshooting and it still isnt working wen he restarts it all of the lights are solid green and wen it does work it restarts itsself all the time

  6. This may or may not help some folks with the TJ 715X Terayon modem…..I have Comcast in Jacksonville, Fl…The cable indicator light was flashing about once per second and I had no internet connection, then all lights including the yellow data light stayed on ….The voltage read 8.4 vdc instead of 12 vdc at the output of the power adapter….I had an extra power adapter and when I replaced it, the modem worked….Ihad purchased a modem and power supply from and then found out that I could not just connect another computer in another room (you have to register and pay Comcast!)….Since I was renting the modem I will try to swap out with Comcast and avoid future rental charges as I have a modem and adapter I paid for …Jim

  7. i have installled alll the thing required but it is disabled and how do you start operating it. it tell unidentified cable????
    please give me the solution asap.

  8. got one of these a week ago from my cable company, works when connected directly to PC via Ethernet
    my problem is ,I got 2 routers so far that won’t talk with this modem, when ethernet cable is connected, PC light on modem stays off, and no indication in the router of the connection
    the routers are, 3com 3crwer100-75 and a USR5461
    I don’t feel like dishing out some cash for another router that won’t work.

  9. i have a playstation3 and it always says i have a DNS error how do i fix that to where i canplay?

  10. wilberto montalvan

    necesito saber como puedo configurar el puerto de mi TERAYON -TJ715X quiero usar utorrents para bajar archivos y necesito configurar el puerto del cable modem , pueden explicarme como hacerlo por favor

  11. Hola me podrias decir komo Abrir los puertos de mi modem ? para krear una sala en ARES .

    he tratado de varias maneras y siempre resulta ke no puedo hacerlo kreo ke estan blokeados los puertos desde el modem y nose komo desblokearlos porfavor ayudame

  12. ok…any advice would be much appreciated

    i have a similar problem as pat, a few posts above. right now.. it has to be the fifth day that my net isnt working.. data light flashes every now and then. i’ve tried pretty much everything i know of… repair connection, unplug power, disconnect, reconnect, antivirus etc.. i’ve even defragmented my disc, with no result!!
    the thing is that i have a wireless router, which is connected to the modem, and my mother has a wireless card adapter, which connects to the router, and her internet works fine! i have no idea what to do!! please help.

  13. please help when I go to change my browser page I get the white page that tells you it cannot be looked up when I go to Network and Sharing I click status the diagnose the first thing it tells me is the modem may be malfunctioning now I tried the unplug for 10 seconds and that does not help I also noticed on the diagnose the sent packets are way lower than than the received is there any updates or anything I can do because right now the only way to fix it is to reset the connection and that only helps temporarily. I have Windows Vista and my phone is going through the computer please help I’m tired of losing signal and calls

  14. All of the lights on my modem are lit, even after “powercycling”. I see that the test light is lit indicating “self test failed”. Does that mean I have a bum modem? Do I need a new modem?

  15. El terayon 715x es un router??? o un modem? anyway …quiero abrir los puertos UDP y TCP para configurar un programa p2p, como lo hago!? ya configurè el firewall bla bla bla bla pero sigo teniendo una idbaja en todos los servidores del programa p2p…HELP PLEASEEEE!!!!

  16. Help !

    I have my Terayon moden connected to my pc. But I want to eliminate my pc and get internet on my new laptop. Trouble is, when I connect your modem to my laptop it tells me it needs me to put in software. What software? Did I get a CD when they installed my cable???

    Please advice asap if you would.
    Thanks !

  17. I get a box that says I have 0 days left on my registration and it asks for organization and registration code. Problem is I dont know them any ideas to help me

  18. Jamie, I was looking at my XBox 360 and could not find a configuration setup on the XBox. You can use a router between this modem and your XBox. I have used my Terayon TJ715x both for direct connection and wireless connection through the Linksys WRT54G router. Good Luck with that, mine really works great for XBox live.

  19. David, you cannot directly connect two computers to this modem. The best approach is to acquire a router/gateway box. I use the Linksys WRT54G for both direct connect and for wireless LAN connrctions. The DLink, Netgear and Belkin units also provide good service.

  20. When I search for information regarding this model cable modem,I get a Motorola website with absolutely no information regading this modem.
    I am searching for information as to how I can use it on a second computer,does this modem also function as a router.

  21. I am looking for port forwarding instructions for a Terayon tj715. I am trying to remotely monitor the temperature of my house. I have been told I need to open port forwarding on port 80 and port 30718…

  22. My kids erase the browser history when they are done using the internet. I have been told the modem holds 3 weeks of history. Is there a way I can access it to view the pages they were on

  23. That could possibly be many issues. You should contact your cable company and have them look at your signal levels on your modem, specifically your upstream transmit power as it probably is much too high for the device and is causing your intermittent issue.

    This is caused by splitters that go bad or connectors in the house. Also it possibly be the drop from your house to the pole or even the card in the node that may need to be replaced, but either way you need to give them a call and work it out somehow.

    – Cheers

  24. Every couple of days my modem’s cable light blinks slowly and I am unable to use my computer. I have tried turning off the computer and/or unplugging the modem. Sometimes it will work, but many times it won’t. As I write this it is doing it again and probably will not let me send this, HELP! I will make several more attempts to send this, or until I finally get it to go thru. Please assist me if you can. This is madening. Why does it do this. I pay too much to not be able to use my computer days at a time. I am a novist at this so if it is my fault, let me have it. Anything to get this fixed. Thanks, Pat. By the way, the data light goes out when this happens, but will blink every few minutes.

  25. To #1 –

    #2 is correct (though not all cable companies validate service by mac address of the modem in a table on the dhcp server) – the short answer is no, you can’t plug in a modem and get it to work without paying your cable co.


  26. You would need to have been set up in the cable companies network. The MAC address of the modem would be in a table on the DHCP server. The server would know if you are a valid customer or not by that. The cable company would be an ISP, so you cannot just plug in and start using their service for free.

    So the answer is no.

  27. Can I plug cable modem into a typical cable jack for it to work w/o a service and can I use it in AOL Broadband 9.0?

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