How to install Amarok in Ubuntu (and get it to play MP3s)

Amarok is (in my opinion) the best music player for Unix systems (eg. Linux). This brief tutorial will guide you through installing it in Ubuntu. It will also explain how to get Amarok to play MP3 files.

Please note: This guide was originally published back in 2007. Quite obviously, a lot has changed since then (including Ubuntu). Amarok still exists. With that said, the steps and screenshots used in this guide have likely changed. It’s staying up as a historical/archived document, and should be treated as such.

  1. Start by selecting Applications and then Add/Remove.
  2. amarok

  3. Click the Sound & Video column in the left navigation, and then place a check next to Amarok. Click Apply.
  4. amarok
    click to enlarge

  5. You’ll be asked if you wish to apply the changes. Click Apply.
  6. amarok
    click to enlarge

  7. If prompted, enter your password to continue.
  8. amarok

  9. At this point all of the required packages will be downloaded and installed.
  10. amarok

  11. Once everything has installed, close any windows that are still open. Use the Synaptic Package Manager (tutorial) to install libxine-extracodecs. This will allow Amarok to play MP3 files.
  12. amarok
    click to enlarge

  13. Now launch Amarok by selecting Applications -> Sound & Video -> Amarok.
  14. amarok
    click to enlarge

  15. Review the info on the First-Run Wizard and then click Next.
  16. amarok
    click to enlarge

  17. Navigate to the folder you store your music files in, and place a check in the box next to it. Click Next.
  18. amarok
    click to enlarge

  19. Once again, click Next.
  20. amarok
    click to enlarge

  21. And finally – click Finish.
  22. amarok
    click to enlarge

  23. Ta-da! The Amarok music player. Play around for a while and discover its many, many, many features.
  24. amarok
    click to enlarge

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