Automatically display drives in your OS X Dock or Menu

Using the small and free app Volumizer, you can have your hard drives (internal, external, flash etc) and DVD/CD drives displayed in your Dock or Menu. Keep reading for brief usage instructions and more screenshots.

volumizer displaying drives in the dock

Please note: Volumizer is no longer in development and does not work in modern versions of macOS. However, it is still available to download and does work with macOS/OS X Versions 10.14 (“Mojave”) and earlier

  1. To get started, download and unzip Volumizer. Double-click Volumizer.prefPane to install it to your System Preferences. Select it from there.
  2. volumizer in other system preferences section

  3. There aren’t a lot of options – you can have your drives (Volumes) displayed in the Dock, System Menu, or both.
  4. volumizer preferences

  5. Now you drives will appear in your Dock and/or Menu. Note: external drives won’t be displayed until they’re plugged in, and CD/DVD drives won’t be displayed unless you have a disc inserted.
  6. volumizer system menu drop down
    Volumizer in the System Menu

    volumizer displaying drives in the dock
    Volumizer in the Dock

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