How to Increase the Number of Saved Tabs in Firefox

This guide explains you how to increase the number of tabs that Firefox keeps saved, so they can be restored the next time you open Firefox.

One of the great features of Firefox is that when you quit, it can pick up where you left off by restoring all of the tabs that were open in your previous session. Well, not all of them, if you have a lot. The default used to be 10 – but Mozilla quickly figured out that people really loved having lots of tabs open, so they bumped the maximum up to 25.

But with recent improvements into how Firefox handles memory, and memory itself always becoming less and less expensive, people are becoming used to having even more tabs open than ever before. Now, 25 isn’t enough for some users. Here’s how you can increase the number of tabs that Firefox saves (note: this works in Firefox running in Windows, macOS, Linux or any other Operating System that supports Firefox).

  1. Launch Firefox and in the address bar type about:config (you don’t need to put http or anything – just about:config) and hit the Enter key.
  2. about-config in the Firefox address bar

  3. A confirmation panel will appear. Click the Accept the Risk and Continue button to proceed.
  4. the Firefox Accept the Risk and Continue button

  5. A new window about:config will open. In the filter input field, enter the following value:


    and press Enter.

  6. entering the value to increase the number of Firefox saved tabs

  7. One item will be displayed: browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo – double click the number 25 in the Value field.
  8. the filtered results in the Firefox value panel for browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo

  9. In the Enter integer value window, change the number 25 to 40 (or however many you want Firefox to save/store). Hit Enter/return on your keyboard or click the “check” button to save the change.
  10. increase the number of firefox saved tabs from 25 to 40

  11. The change will take effect immediately and you don’t even have to restart Firefox!

If you’re looking for other ways to quickly and easily improve your browsing experience, try adding custom search engines to Firefox.

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