This tutorial will show you how to add your contact information to the Login/Lock screen in OS X Lion.
- Select the “Apple Button” from the Menu Bar. Select System Preferences… from the list.
- In the Personal section of the System Preferences, locate Security & Privacy and click it.
- Select the General tab, and then click the “Lock” icon in the bottom-left corner of the window (see image below) so that you can make changes.
- Enter your password when prompted.
- From here you’ll have a number of options, and will have to decide which ones you want to enable and which you don’t need/want.
First things first – place a check in the box labeled Show a message when the screen is locked:. Then enter the information you want displayed in the space provided.
Now you may want to enable the Disable automatic login feature. If you do, that means you’ll need to enter your password each time your Mac starts – and of course your custom message will also be displayed. This way if someone finds your Mac, they won’t be able to access your files (as easily…) and your contact info will be displayed.
You may also want to enable the Require password after sleep or screen saver beings. You’ll need to enter your password after your screen saver kicks in (though you can specify the time) – but again, your contact info will be displayed on the screen.
Once you’ve made all the changes that best suit your needs, just close out of the System Preferences.
- Now when your Mac starts up (and other scenarios depending on the options you selected) – your contact information (or whatever message you entered) will be displayed.
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