How to Add Your Signature to a PDF (Mac)

This guide will take you each step of the way through adding a signature to a PDF file (without having to print and/or scan anything) using software you already have on your Mac.

a pdf with a signature added to it

  1. Start out by opening up the PDF in Preview, which is the default PDF viewer for macOS. If the PDF doesn’t open in Preview when you double-click it, launch Preview from your Applications folder and then select File -> Open…
  2. screenshot of Preview for macos with a PDF open

  3. Click the Show Markup Toolbar button (see screenshot below) to bring up the Markup Toolbar
  4. screenshot of the Preview Toolbar with an arrow pointing to the show markup toolbar button

  5. From within the Markup Toolbar, click the Sign button (see screenshot below)
  6. screenshot of the Markup Toolbar in Preview with an arrow pointed to the Sign button

  7. Make sure that the Trackpad tab is selected and then click the Click Here to Begin button
  8. screenshot of the add a signature feature in Preview

  9. You may need to try this next party a couple of times to get the hang of it – use your Trackpad to ‘draw’ your signature. When you’re done, tap any key on your keyboard and the trackpad will return to ‘normal’. Use the Clear button to try again if you’re not happy with your first attempt.
  10. screenshot of an example signature in Preview

  11. When you are happy with the result, click the Done button.
  12. screenshot of an example signature in Preview with an arrow pointing to the Done button

  13. Click the Sign button in the Markup Toolbar again. This time your newly created signature will be there – click it.
  14. screenshot of a PDF with a signature placed inside of it

  15. Your signature will be placed into the PDF. Click-and-drag the signature itself to the location you want it to appear in the PDF, and use the corners of the box to shrink or enlarge the actual signature.
  16. screenshot of resizing a signature in Preview for macOS

  17. Ta-da! Just remember to save the PDF file and you’re all done.
  18. a pdf with a signature added to it

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