Cable Modem Troubleshooting: Linksys BEFCMUH4

Light patterns, images, manuals and more helpful info for the Linksys BEFCMUH4 cable modem –

Manufacturer: LinksysModel: BEFCMUH4
linksys befcmuh4
Modem Light Indicators

Off – Gateway is not receiving power.
On (Green) – Modem power is activated and receiving power.
On (Red) – Self Test


On (Red) – Self Test.
Off – Self Test Successful.

USBOn – Indicates USB device is successfully connected.

On – Indicates a wireless device is successfully connected.


On – Indicates an ethernet device is successfully connected to port.
Flashing – Indicates data transmitted over the ethernet port.


On – Indicates full duplex operation.
Flashing – Indicates network collisions. (Infrequent collisions are normal)


On – Indicates a 100Mbps connection.


Flashing – Gateway is in registration process.
On – Gateway is acquired.

ReceiveFlashes in sync with data received to the gateway.
SendFlashes in sync with data sent from the gateway.

Notes and Useful Information:

Manufacturer Product Website

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Home » Cable Modems » Cable Modem Troubleshooting: Linksys BEFCMUH4

0 thoughts on “Cable Modem Troubleshooting: Linksys BEFCMUH4”

  1. The full/col light doesn’t light up when i plug in my desktop but it does when i plug in my laptop. why is this? is there a setting i can improve to strengthen my connection on my desktop?

  2. i am tryin to stop ppl from usin my internet u kno like i need to secure it cuz right now its unsecure and ppl r usin my stuff can u plzz help me A.S.A.P

  3. Eric von Brockdorff

    I could use some help: trying to run a teamspeak server … but none can log on other than myself. I read something about port forwarding… I have had no luck. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you for your help. (btw…. I have two Ip’s one web one computer … the server on ts is a clan server CotSW ip the comp is Thanks again

  4. How can I boost the power for this unit? I have to be within 10-15′ of it for my laptop to work with it. Any idea? Is there a booster I can get for it?

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