How to Make Apps & Windows Transparent in Win 2000 or XP

This brief guide will walk you through the steps to make any of your programs transparent in Windows 2000 or XP. Transparency levels can be set on a per program basis, turned off and on again, and more.

  1. Download Glass2K from Chime Software. Glass2K is a small, free program. The installation is typical (next, next, done). Once it has completed, you’ll see a new icon in your task bar. Right-click it and select Settings. Note: the first time you launch Glass2K, the settings window may appear automatically.
  2. Make any changes you see fit and then click Save
  3. Now right-click on the title bar of any of your open programs or windows. In addition to the default pop-up (move, minimize, maximize etc) you’ll see a new window. From here you can set the transparency preferences for that window/program.
  4. And now your windows are as transparent as you want them!
  5. transparent windows in XP and 2Kclick to enlarge

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