This article could also be called “an introduction to Google Gadgets for OS X”, as that’s exactly what it is. At some point in the last few hours, Google Gadgets has become available to OS X users by way of the Google Updater (the software that comes with Google Desktop, Google Notifier etc).
Please note: This guide was originally published back in 2007. Google has since retired all of the software outlined in this guide, rendering it no longer relevant. It will remain online as a historical/archived piece of content.
- To install Google Gadgets, run Google Updater and scroll through the Explore Google Products section. When you locate Gadgets, select it and click Install. The updater will do the rest for you. When it’s all done, click the Open Google Gadgets button.
- Now find some Gadgets you want to display on your Dashboard. Use the category list in the left window, or search for a specific gadget using the search box. When you find a gadget you want to install, select it and click Add.
- Repeat the above step until you’ve added all the gadgets your little heart desires.
- And now launch your Dashboard (F12 or click its icon in your Dock). Voilà – Google Gadgets on your Dashboard (in the screenshot below, the Games and Bejwewled widgets are in fact gadgets).
- And they’re re-sizable too – so you can play Tetris in all of it’s properly sized glory.