Using BananaSplitter you can split .avi files in Windows, Linux/BSD/UNIX or macOS. BananaSplitter works across all these platforms because it’s written in Java, so you will need to have Java installed.
- First up, download BananaSplitter.
- Double-click the downloaded .jar file (at the time of this post the file name is Temperion0.5Beta1.jar). Note: the screenshots in this tutorial are from macOS but the app looks almost identical in Windows and Linux, and the steps are exactly the same.
- Click the Open button.
- Navigate to the AVI file you want to split, highlight it, and then click the Select button.
- Back at the main window, click the Browse button.
- Now navigate to the folder you want to save the two .avi files in, highlight it and click the Select button.
- By default, BananaSplitter will find the half-way point in the .avi file. If you don’t want to split the file in half, use the slider to determine the size of the first of the two files. The second files size will be determined by how much is “left” after the first file is created. It’s also worth noting that the original file will still remain after you cut it in half.
Click the Start button to begin.
- And now watch as your video gets cut.
- Done! A 175MB .avi file took 36 seconds to split into two files on my MacBook Pro.
- Now navigate to the folder where you wanted the files saved. Both of the newly created files will be there. Note: because I selected the same folder as the original file, there are 3 in the screenshot below.
Works Great.
worked flawlessly on G5 OS X 10.4.9