How to insert a Google Map into your website using iWeb

This brief tutorial will show you how to use the iWeb “Web Widget” for Google Maps to insert a Google Map into your web site.

Please note: This guide was published back in 2008 and is now considered out of date, unless you’re using the same (older) software (iWeb).

  1. Start by determining where on your site you want to display the map, and create a space for it.

  2. click to enlarge

  3. Click the Web Widgets button..
  4. and select Google Map.
  5. Enter your address in the Address: field. I would strongly suggest leaving both Zoom controls and Address bubble checked – they are very useful features that your web site visitors will appreciate. When you’re done, click Apply.
  6. Use the “squares” in each corner to resize the map until it fits the space you set aside for it.
  7. That’s it, you’re done!

  8. click to enlarge

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