How to get Sound Working in Windows 7 Running via Boot Camp

The solution to the sound not working in Windows 7 running in Boot Camp is to download and install the latest Realtek audio drivers. Click the DOWNLOAD NOW link and after the download has completed run the executable. You may need to reboot your Mac (back into Windows 7) after the installation in order for the audio to work. Yep, that easy.

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Home » Windows » How to get Sound Working in Windows 7 Running via Boot Camp

8 thoughts on “How to get Sound Working in Windows 7 Running via Boot Camp”

  1. thank you so much! this solution worked for me and i am running mac 10.5 with windows 7. downloaded the exe file instead of the zip and ran the file. restarted my computer and works perfectly!

  2. Thank you for this. The tip worked for me. At the time I downloaded the realtek driver it was version 2.29. Downloaded it on my vista pc then saved the file on a usb and later installed it on my window 7 running on my macbook using bootcamp 2.0…and it worked!!!! hooray…thanks a lot for a great tip!

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