How to Change the Default Save Location for Flip Videos

By default, FlipShare saves the videos you make with your Flip Camera in a certain place in Windows and macOS. This tutorial will show you how to change that location to one that you may prefer – like an external USB drive or even another folder on your existing hard drive.

Windows Instructions for Changing the Default Save Location for Flip Videos

  1. Launch FlipShare and select the Edit menu, and then Preferences… from the drop-down list.
  2. the File menu for the Flip video app with an arrow pointing to Preferences...

  3. Select the Library tab. The default location your Flip Video files are saved in is in a sub-folder titled FlipShare Data of your My Videos or Videos folder. To change this location, click the Change Location… button.
  4. the Library tab of the Flip Video app Preferences in Windows

  5. Navigate to the drive (or folder) that you want to now save your Flip Videos in. Select it, and click the OK button.
  6. selecting a folder in Windows

  7. All of the videos you’ve already saved to the previous default location will now be moved to the new one. Going forward, when you save a file via FlipShare, it will be saved to this new location.
  8. moving a Flip video library and files to a new location

  9. Click OK to restart FlipShare for the changes to complete.
  10. a confirmation message for moving Flip video files

macOS Instructions for Changing the Default Save Location for Flip Videos

  1. Launch FlipShare and select FlipShare from the menu bar, and then Preferences… from the drop-down list.
  2. the Flip macOS App menu bar with an arrow pointing at Preferences...

  3. Select the Library tab. The default location that FlipShare saves your video files to is /Users/you/Movies/FlipShare Data/. To change this location, click the Change Location… button.
  4. the Library tab of the macOS Flip video app Preferences

  5. Select the new drive or folder that you want FlipShare to save your videos in from now on. Click the Choose button.
  6. selecting a folder in macOS

  7. FlipShare will now transfer any existing video files you’ve saved from the previous (default) location, to the new one you’ve specified.
  8. moving Flip videos and library files to a new location in macOS
    click to enlarge

  9. Click OK once the transfers have completed. If FlipShare doesn’t restart itself, do so manually now. That will finalize the preference change.
  10. a confirmation dialog box for the Flip video macOS app

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