How to Add Drive Icons to Your Windows Desktop

This brief guide will show you how to have ‘drive icons’ (shortcuts) automatically appear on your desktop when you plug in a USB drive, SD Card, insert a CD or DVD etc.

  1. To get started, head over to the Desktop Media download page and download their free app, Desktop Media. Once the file has finished downloading (it’s very small) – open the .zip and run the installation program. The procedure is very straight forward – just click Next a bunch of times.
  2. Once the installation has completed, Desktop Media will launch. Now try plugging in a USB drive, an SD Card or CD/DVD. A shortcut to that drive will automatically appear on your Desktop.
  3. You can customize Desktop Media by right-clicking on its icon in the System Tray and then select Options…
  4. One item of note is the option to display Fixed drives. A “fixed” drive is one that’s “built in” to your PC (for example, your C: drive). Place a check in the Fixed box to have shortcuts created to them on your Desktop.
  5. Now you’ll be able to quickly access your fixed drives as well.
  6. For your external drives (USB, SD, CD/DVD) – you can also right-click on the shortcut and select Eject to safely remove them from your PC – a very handy option!

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