Installing Android on Your Kindle Fire: The Complete Walkthrough

This in-depth, step-by-step tutorial will take you all the way though installing Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) on your Kindle Fire.

Android 4.1 Jelly Bean running on a Kindle Fire

Before we get started, there are a few important things to know up front.

  1. This will wipe everything from your Kindle Fire. You will be creating a backup but you’ll need to move/copy any files you want to have on your Kindle before you install Android, so that you can put them back on your Kindle afterwards.
  2. This process only works on the first generation Kindle Fire. It will not work on the Kindle Fire HD or any of the second generation Kindle Fire devices.
  3. You’ll need to be using Windows Vista or higher and be connected to the Internet to use the software required in this tutorial.
  4. It’s possible that you will have to revert to a backup if something goes wrong. Make sure to follow the steps carefully (yes, this tutorial shows you how to make a backup).
  5. The entire procedure takes less than an hour, but it’s still a good idea to make sure you have at least an hour set aside.

Ready? Lets get started!

  1. Make sure your Kindle Fire is currently unplugged from your PC.
  2. Download the following files to your Downloads folder:
    1. The file
    2. Kindle Fire Utility v.0.9.6 or higher (scroll towards the bottom of the first post for the download link)

  3. Unzip the file. After unzipping the file, open the Kindle Fire Utility folder. Double-click the install_drivers.bat file.

  4. click to enlarge

  5. This will launch the Kindle Fire Driver Installer. Click Next to begin the installation.

  6. click to enlarge

  7. If you’re prompted with a Windows Security Alert, click the Install this driver software anyway button.

  8. click to enlarge

  9. Files will be copied…

  10. click to enlarge

  11. Click Finish.

  12. click to enlarge

  13. If another Driver Software Installation window appears, let it do its thing until there’s a “green checkmark” next to each item, and then click the Close button.

  14. click to enlarge

  15. Now, plug your Kindle Fire into your PC using a USB cable.
  16. Return to your Kindle Fire Utility folder, and double-click the run.bat file.

  17. click to enlarge

  18. This will bring up a Command Prompt window with a list of options.

  19. click to enlarge

  20. The first thing we want to do here is Install Permanent Root with Superuser. To do so, enter the number 2 (using your keyboard…) and then hit Enter.

  21. click to enlarge

  22. A bunch of text will scroll on the screen and …

  23. click to enlarge

  24. … you may have to wait for a minute. Your Kindle Fire will reboot/power off and on again. Ignore it.

  25. click to enlarge

  26. When the Root Installed message appears, tap any key to continue.

  27. click to enlarge

  28. Now it’s time to Install Latest TWRP Recovery. To do so, enter the number 3 and hit enter.

  29. click to enlarge

  30. Again, some text will scroll on your screen. When the installation has completed, you’ll see an All Done! message. Your Kindle Fire will reboot/power off and on again. Ignore it. Tap any key to continue.

  31. click to enlarge

  32. This time we’ll Install Latest FireFireFire by entering the number 5 and hitting enter. You guessed it – your Kindle Fire is going to reboot again.

  33. click to enlarge

  34. Same as always, tap any key when it’s done.

  35. click to enlarge

  36. Time for the fun stuff! Enter the number 1 and hit enter.

  37. click to enlarge

  38. Your Kindle Fire will now be sent a message to start up in Recovery Mode. Leave your Command Prompt window as it is (for now) and pick up that Kindle Fire.

  39. click to enlarge

  40. Your Kindle Fire will boot up into the TWRP (Team Win Recovery Project) Menu. Tap the Backup button.

  41. click to enlarge

  42. Make sure that System, Data and Boot are selected. Recovery and Cache are optional. When you’re ready, swipe the Swipe to Back Up “slider”.

  43. click to enlarge

  44. The backup process will take a few minutes. Be patient :)

  45. click to enlarge

  46. When it’s done, tap the Back or Home button to return to the Home Menu. This time, tap the Mount button.

  47. click to enlarge

  48. Tap the Mount USB Storage button.
  49. Back on your PC, a new ‘drive’ will appear (very likely named Kindle). Open it, then open the TWRP folder.

  50. click to enlarge

  51. Drag/Copy the entire BACKUPS folder to your Desktop (or other safe place on your hard drive).

  52. click to enlarge

  53. Depending on how large your backup files are, this can take a minute or three. Should the need arise, you now have a full backup to recover from if anything goes wrong. For instructions on how to recover your Kindle Fire from these backup files, see the tutorial How to Recover Your Kindle Fire from a TWRP Backup.

  54. click to enlarge

  55. Once you’ve copied the BACKUPS folder to your PC, you’re going to copy some files over to your Kindle ‘drive’. Locate the two files you downloaded way back in step #2 – and – and drag/copy them to your Kindle.

  56. click to enlarge

  57. Shouldn’t take too long to copy them.

  58. click to enlarge

  59. Now right-click on your Kindle drive and select Eject from the menu.

  60. click to enlarge

  61. You’ll probably see a Safe to Remove Hardware message in Windows. Don’t unplug your Kindle just yet.
  62. Back on your Kindle, tap the Unmount button. Now you can unplug your Kindle Fire.
  63. Return to the TWRP Home Menu, and this time tap the Wipe button.

  64. click to enlarge

  65. Tap the Factory Reset button.

  66. click to enlarge

  67. Now swipe the Swipe to Wipe “slider”.

  68. click to enlarge

  69. The ‘wiping’ process will now execute.

  70. click to enlarge

  71. Tap the Back button when it’s done.

  72. click to enlarge

  73. Heading into the final stretch! Tap the Install button.
  74. Tap from the /sdcard menu.

  75. click to enlarge

  76. Swipe the Swipe to Confirm Flash “slider”.

  77. click to enlarge

  78. Give it some time …

  79. click to enlarge

  80. … and when it’s done, tap the Home button.

  81. click to enlarge

  82. Once again, tap the Install button.
  83. This time, select from the /sdcard menu.

  84. click to enlarge

  85. Again, swipe away and watch the boring installation.

  86. click to enlarge

  87. Return to the Home Menu and this time – tap the Reboot button.
  88. Your Kindle Fire will now start up, and you’ll have Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) on your device!!!
  89. Android 4.1 Jelly Bean running on a Kindle Fire

  90. When you installed/flashed the file to your Kindle, that installed the “Google Apps” (sort of) on your Kindle Fire. They may not have all (Google Maps, Gmail, etc) installed. The Google Play Store however, will have installed. From within it, you can search for and install all the Google Apps – Gmail, Google Maps, Google Music and so on.
  91. If anything went wrong, or you just don’t like Android 4.1 vs. the Kindle Fire OS, you can use the the tutorial How to Recover Your Kindle Fire from a TWRP Backup to restore your Kindle Fire to its pre-Android 4.1 state.

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