This short tutorial will take you through the steps to enlarge the font size on your iPhone or iPad (and iPod Touch) to make the text easier to read.
Note: this will not increase the size of the ‘keyboard’ on your iPhone/iPad, nor will it enlarge the Home Screen icons. It will increase the size of the font that’s used by the following Apps: Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Messages (SMS/TXT/etc) and Notes.
- Tap the Settings button.
- Select General.
- Scroll all the way down to Accessibility and tap it.
- From the Vision section, select Large Text (notice the default is set to Off).
- From here you can select a larger size font to use. Try the 20pt size first, and if it’s still too small you can return to this screen and try the next size up until you’ve found the right one for you.
- Your Messages (TXT/SMS/other) will now appear in a much larger text size.
- The same with your Calendars …
- … Notes …
- … and Contacts.
- That’s all there is to it!