This quick tip will show you how to check the ‘health’ (current battery maximum charge vs. when it was new) of your iPhone or iPad battery. All you’ll need is your Mac and a free App.
- Charge your iOS device (iPhone/iPad) to its maximum capacity. Then plug it into your Mac.
- Head over to the coconutBattery download page. It’s a small and free App. To install, simply unzip the file and drag to your Applications folder. Launch it from there.
- The default view will display the information on your Mac’s battery (if it has one). Select the iOS Device tab.
- As you can see in the screenshot below, my iPhone 5’s battery is now at 41.9% of its original maximum capacity. That means it holds less than half of the charge it used to hold. Not good.
- As illustrated in the screenshot below, my iPad Mini is in much better shape.
- Hope your iDevice battery is holding up well!
Can I do this if I don’t have a Mac? I only have Ubuntu 22.04 and Windows 11