How to Resolve Keychain Error 25320

This very brief tutorial will show you how to fix the error: Access to this item is restricted. (-25320) you may receive when trying to access secure information in Keychain on your Mac.

error 25320 in keychain

There are two solutions – one is to try and run a quick “repair” – the other is to simply reboot.

  1. The error typically shows itself when you try to access something secure within your Keychain – like a password.

  2. click to enlarge

  3. The error message itself, in a very un-Mac-like fashion, is completely cryptic with no suggestion as to what to do next.
  4. error 25320 in keychain
    click to enlarge

  5. Let’s fix it. Select Keychain Access from the Menu Bar, and then Keychain First Aid
  6. First enter your password, then select Repair (skip Verify) and finally, Start.

  7. click to enlarge

  8. If the Keychain First Aid tool finds any errors, it will report and then fix them. At this point, you should have no problem using Keychain again.

    If the Keychain First Aid tool does not find any errors, it will report “No problems found” before the last line, Repair completed. Proceed with the next step.

  9. click to enlarge

  10. Close all open Apps (saving work when appropriate) and reboot your Mac. When it starts again, you’ll be able to access Keychain without any problems.

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