How to Restore Favicons to the Firefox Bookmarks Toolbar

Have the icons (called favicons) next to your bookmarks in Firefox suddenly disappeared? This guide will help you get them back :)

firefox favicons missed and fixed screenshot

Fortunately, this issue is probably going to be an easy fix. A number of users, myself included, recently had this happen. There are a couple of possible solutions, and we’ll go over them in order of their likeliness to resolve the problem.

  1. The first is to make sure you’re using the latest version of Firefox, and if not, update it. To do so, click the “Open menu” button from the upper-right corner of Firefox (the button with ‘3 dashes’ on top of each other, see screenshot below) and select Options from that menu.
  2. Scroll down to the section titled Firefox Updates. If you see a button titled Restart to update Firefox that means you’re not running the latest version but it’s ready to be installed – so give that button a click.
  3. If you don’t see a Restart button, click the Check for updates button. Make sure that you see the notice Firefox is up to date after you check for updates.
  4. If you’re using the latest version of Firefox and the issue still persists, try clearing the Firefox cache.
  5. If some of the favicons have returned and others haven’t, you may need to manually edit the ones that aren’t displaying properly. Right-click one with a broken favicon and select Properties
  6. In the Location: field, look to see if the http part of the URL has an “s” at the end, so that it’s https://

    If it doesn’t, try adding an s to the http:// part of the address, so that it reads https://

  7. After you’ve switched the address from http to https, you may need to ‘click’ that bookmark again for the favicon to load.

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Home » Firefox » How to Restore Favicons to the Firefox Bookmarks Toolbar

7 thoughts on “How to Restore Favicons to the Firefox Bookmarks Toolbar”

  1. Editing the URL and changing from HTTP to HTTPS is only part of the fix. If the URL you are using is “old” and you are being redirected then it is likely the favicon is missing. Copy the link from the address box and edit the bookmark, the favicon should reappear. However that only worked on a fraction of my bookmarks.
    I still have missing bookmark favicons from sites that previously displayed them. This is occuring on all our machines.

  2. I use folder on the toolbar, I may group three sites related to one subject.
    Up until the latest Firefox update, I was able to choose an icon as an identifier, quick and simple.
    Now all the folder are a simple white folder, and they all look the same. There is no option to change them. The properties option has gone.
    Does anyone know if it is possible to get them back? Using icons, is useful to those with visual problems, so it is a shame it has been removed

  3. This happens to me occasionally. I have adopted the habit of regularly saving the favicons.sqlite file in my profile, so that I can use it to replace the one in my profile that has been corrupted causing the favicons to disappear.

  4. Granted it takes a long time but to fix these you merely have to go to the site you want your Favicons fixed. Once the browser picks up the favicon it will show in your bookmarks or favorites .

  5. Thanks! This tip solved my missing browser bookmarks toolbar favicons after reinstalling Waterfox on my Mac.

  6. Hi,

    thank you so much! I was wondered why I didn’t have faveicons anymore, after got a new iMac yesterday and imported my old Bookmarks to Firefox.

    For me it was the missing “s” in a few domains. After correcting from “http” to “https” and reloading the bookmark, the Favicons were displayed again. =)

    The article helped me a lot, thank you very much! :-)

    Many Regards from Germany,
    Alex :-)

  7. This didn’t fix the issue – I often have this problem… most recently on 2018 linux + firefox

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