How to Add Lasers to Your iPhone Text Messages

This brief guide will show you how to add lasers (!!!) and other cool effects to the background of messages you send from your iPhone.

an animated iphone message with the laser effect background

Did you know you can add some pretty cool background effects to the messages you send from your iPhone? They’re lots of fun and easy to add – they’re just a tiny bit hidden (honestly it’s not very intuitive at all, which is why this tutorial exists). Here goes –

  1. Open Messages the same way you always do.
  2. Compose a message, the same way you always do…
  3. but this time instead of just tapping the Send icon, tap it and hold your finger down
  4. A new screen titled Send with effect will appear. This is where the magic happens. You can explore all of these options later – for now we want to add our laser background – so tap the Screen tab.
  5. Now swipe through the various background effects you can add to your text messages.
  6. When you’ve decided on a background, tap the Send icon.
  7. Ta-da! Your friends will be mesmerized! (or really quite annoyed) :)

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