How to Display a Video as the Screensaver in macOS

This step by step guide will show you how to use a video as a screensaver on your Mac.

  1. Head over to the SaveHollywood page and click the Download button. Once the SaveHollywood.dmg file has finished downloading, open it and double-click the SaveHollywood.saver file.
  2. When prompted, click the Install button.
  3. Once the installation has completed the Desktop & Screen Saver Preferences will open automatically. Select SaveHollywood from the list of screen savers, and then click the Screen Saver Options… button.

    Note: if the Desktop & Screen Saver window doesn’t open automatically, you can access it by clicking the Apple Button -> System Preferences… -> Desktop & Screen Saver -> Screen Saver

  4. The first thing to do is select the video(s) to use as your screen saver. Click the small “plus sign” ( + ) button (see screenshot below).
  5. Navigate to the video you want to use as your screen saver, select it and click the Add button. If you want to use more than one video, select the folder that contains the videos and then click the Add button.
  6. Now you’ll want to configure a few options. If you’ve selected more than one video to use as a screen saver, do you want them to play in a random order? If so, place a check in the box labelled Play in random order. If you want your screen saver to pick up in the video where it left off, place a check in the box labelled Start playing from last position played. Then decide the Size you want the videos to play in.
  7. You can also opt to have a frame appear around the video or have the video title and a copyright logo appear in the video itself.
  8. Finally, decide if you want to have the audio along with the video, and if so, at what volume. If you have more than one display hooked up to your Mac, decide if you want the video to appear on all of the displays. When you’ve made all of of your configuration choices, click the OK button.
  9. Now test out your new screen saver! Click the Preview button.
  10. That’s it!

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