This guide will show you how to remove the “shortcut” arrows that are present in the icons in Windows Vista.
I recently made the switch from 32 bit Vista to 64 bit. Mostly everything went just as smoothly as my old 32 bit OS, but there were a few hiccups. For example, previously mentioned WinSecret no longer had the option for hiding shortcut arrows! This may seem like a small thing, but Vista’s shortcut arrows take up about 3/4th of the actual icon sometimes.
Luckily, there is an easy work around. And if all you want to do is remove the shortcut icons on your 32 bit version of Vista, this will work too. You’ll need to download the Vista Shortcut Manager. Just download, install, and run it.
Choose your settings and click Apply. You will most likely need to log out and back in for the changes to apply. A quick way to log out of your computer is by pressing Windows Key + L.
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The link does not work when you click on it.