Make the Caps Lock Key Beep to Alert You When Accidentally Hit It

This guide explains how to make your PC beep when you hit the CAPS LOCK key, so that you have an audible alert.

It can be extremely annoying when you’re typing away, not looking at your screen, then realize it’s all in CAPS because you accidentally hit the Caps Lock key. Here’s how to make it beep when you hit the Caps Lock key so you have a warning.

Windows 10

  1. Click the Windows “Start” button and select Settings (the one that looks like a cog).
  2. the Windows 10 start menu

  3. Select the Ease of Access option.
  4. the Windows 10 Control Panel with an arrow pointing to Ease of Access

  5. Click Keyboard in the Interaction column on the left side of the window.
  6. an arrow pointing to the Keyboard item in the Windows 10 Control Panel

  7. Locate the Use Toggle Keys section and toggle the ON/OFF switch to ON. Remove the check mark from the box labeled Allow the shortcut key to start Toggle Keys unless you want to hold down the Num Lock key for five seconds (this doesn’t make sense to me either).
  8. enable a caps lock alert in Windows 10

  9. If you do opt to keep Allow the shortcut key to start Toggle Keys option enabled, you’ll see a message when you start it by holding down the Num Lock key.
  10. the Toggle Keys feature being turned on in Windows 10

  11. Now when you hit the CAPS LOCK key on your keyboard, you’ll be notified via a “beep” sound. That’s it!

Vista & Windows 7

  1. To make the Caps Lock key beep and alert you if it’s accidentally hit in Vista or Windows 7, click on Start >> Control Panel.
  2. the Windows 7 Start menu

  3. In Control Panel set the view to show Large Icons, then click Ease of Access Center.
  4. an arrow pointing to the Ease of Access Center in Windows 7

  5. When the Make your computer easier to use screen comes up, you might be surprised when the computer starts talking to you. If you want to turn that off, uncheck Always read this section aloud.

    Then under the Explore all settings list click Make the keyboard easier to use

  6. an arrow pointing at the Make Keyboard Easier to Use section of the Windows 7 Control panel

  7. Then in the next screen scroll down and check Turn on Toggle Keys – hear a tone when you press CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, or SCROLL LOCK. Then click OK and close out of Control Panel.
  8. setting a caps lock alert in Windows 7

Windows XP

  1. Click on Start >> Control Panel.
  2. the Windows XP Start menu

  3. When Control Panel opens make sure you’re in Classic View and click on Accessibility Options.
  4. the Windows XP Control Panel with an arrow pointing at Accessibility Options

  5. In the Accessibility Options window, make sure you’re under the Keyboard tab, then check Use ToggleKeys. Click OK then close out of Control Panel.
  6. setting an alert for the CAPS LOCK key in Windows XP

  7. That’s it! Now any time you hit the Caps Lock key you will hear it beep. This trick can be very helpful when you’re busy and accidentally hit Caps Lock.

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