How to Add a Delete Button to Explorer in Windows 7

This very brief tutorial will show you how to add a “Delete” button (as well as Cut, Copy, Paste & others) to the Windows Explorer Toolbar.

  1. By default, Windows 7 does not include a Delete button in Windows Explorer.

  2. click to enlarge

  3. To remedy this, download the small utility CustomExplorerToolbar. Note: the download link is towards the bottom of the CustomExplorerToolbar page – just scroll down.

    Open the .zip file and extract the files to any folder on your drive. I used my Downloads folder. Double-click CustomExplorerToolbar.exe.

  4. Place a check next to each feature you want to add to your Windows Explorer Toolbar. Then place a check in all of the Folder Types: fields. Finally, click the Do It! button.

    As illustrated in the screenshot below, I added the features Copy, Delete, Cut & Paste.

  5. click to enlarge

  6. If you have a Windows Explorer window open, close and re-open it. Now your Toolbar includes a Delete button!

  7. click to enlarge

  8. You can now delete CustomExplorerToolbar and its associated files, but it’s a good idea to keep it around should you ever decide to undo any of these changes.

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Home » Windows » How to Add a Delete Button to Explorer in Windows 7

4 thoughts on “How to Add a Delete Button to Explorer in Windows 7”

  1. thanks so much, omg i been looking for something like this for years, i miss that delete button, hate right clicking, win xp had it build in, stupid windows people

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