This tutorial will show you how to create a QR Code that contains all of your contact information by way of a vCard – which can be imported into nearly every “Address Book” software or app on the planet :)
A little bit of background (which you can completely skip if you’d like) first. QR Codes are two-dimensional bar codes that allow you to quickly scan them with your camera. From there they can either launch a web site, show product info, display plain text, send an SMS message and much more. If you need a QR-Code Reader for your smartphone, check out our tutorials on How to Read QR-Codes with your iPhone or How to Read QR-Codes with your Android Device.
A vCard (or .vcd file) is a file that contains all of your contact information. This file can be imported into nearly every “Address Book” or “Contact” software in existence.
By creating a QR-Code of your vCard, you can allow others to scan the QR-Code and add all of your contact info into their address book very quickly.
- Head over to We’re going to use their template to create your vCard.
In section 1 (DATE TYPE) – select the Contact Details (VCARD) option.
- In section 2 (CONTENT) – enter in all the information you want to share in your vCard. Some fields are mandatory, and are indicated as such by a red asterisk.
- Once you’ve filled in all of the information for your vCard, select the option Link to VCF file for download.
- In section 4 (OUTPUT TYPE) – click the Download button.
- Your QR-Code image (in .png format) will now download. Open it up with your favorite image viewer.
- Test it out by scanning it with your QR-Code Reader software.
- You’ll be prompted to launch a URL, and from that URL you (or anyone you share the QR Code with) can download your vCard. Note: iPhone users will be prompted to have the vCard emailed to themselves, and can add it to their Address Book via the email.
- Once the vCard has been downloaded, open it up
- You’ll be prompted to either Import it directly into your Address Book software (or view it, or edit it, depending on the software installed on your PC/Smartphone).
- That’s it! You now have a QR-Code you can use (embed in your web page, your email signature, etc) to share all of your contact information via a vCard.