How to Create a QR Code of Your vCard

This tutorial will show you how to create a QR Code that contains all of your contact information by way of a vCard – which can be imported into nearly every “Address Book” software or app on the planet :)

A little bit of background (which you can completely skip if you’d like) first. QR Codes are two-dimensional bar codes that allow you to quickly scan them with your camera. From there they can either launch a web site, show product info, display plain text, send an SMS message and much more. If you need a QR-Code Reader for your smartphone, check out our tutorials on How to Read QR-Codes with your iPhone or How to Read QR-Codes with your Android Device.

A vCard (or .vcd file) is a file that contains all of your contact information. This file can be imported into nearly every “Address Book” or “Contact” software in existence.

By creating a QR-Code of your vCard, you can allow others to scan the QR-Code and add all of your contact info into their address book very quickly.

  1. Head over to We’re going to use their template to create your vCard.

    In section 1 (DATE TYPE) – select the Contact Details (VCARD) option.

  2. In section 2 (CONTENT) – enter in all the information you want to share in your vCard. Some fields are mandatory, and are indicated as such by a red asterisk.
  3. Once you’ve filled in all of the information for your vCard, select the option Link to VCF file for download.
  4. In section 4 (OUTPUT TYPE) – click the Download button.
  5. Your QR-Code image (in .png format) will now download. Open it up with your favorite image viewer.
  6. Test it out by scanning it with your QR-Code Reader software.

  7. click to enlarge

  8. You’ll be prompted to launch a URL, and from that URL you (or anyone you share the QR Code with) can download your vCard. Note: iPhone users will be prompted to have the vCard emailed to themselves, and can add it to their Address Book via the email.
  9. Once the vCard has been downloaded, open it up
  10. You’ll be prompted to either Import it directly into your Address Book software (or view it, or edit it, depending on the software installed on your PC/Smartphone).
  11. That’s it! You now have a QR-Code you can use (embed in your web page, your email signature, etc) to share all of your contact information via a vCard.

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