How to Scrobble Music from VLC to

This quick guide will show you how to configure VLC to ‘scrobble’ all of your songs to the Last.FM service.

The good folks behind the popular media player VLC have built-in support for scrobbling to – you no longer need to have any software installed or running – VLC does it all. We’ll cover the steps to enabling scrobbling for both the Windows and macOS versions of VLC.

Scrobble From VLC to Last.FM (Windows)

  1. Open VLC and select Tools -> Preferences
  2. Select the Audio tab from the navigation pane at the top of the window.

  3. click to enlarge

  4. At the bottom of the Audio Preferences window place a check in the box labelled Submit played tracks stats to and enter your username and password in the spaces provided. When you’re done, click the Save button.
  5. That’s it! It’s important to note that VLC ‘submits’ tracks after they’ve been played, so they won’t show up in your ‘recently scrobbled’ section until after the song has finished.

Scrobble From VLC to Last.FM (macOS)

  1. Open VLC and then select VLC from the Apple Menu then Preferences… from the drop-down list.
  2. Select the Audio tab from the navigation pane at the top of the window.
  3. At the bottom of the Audio Preferences window place a check in the box labelled Enable submissions and enter your username and password in the spaces provided. When you’re done, click the Save button.
  4. That’s it! It’s important to note that VLC ‘submits’ tracks after they’ve been played, so they won’t show up in your ‘recently scrobbled’ section until after the song has finished.

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Home » Mac » How to Scrobble Music from VLC to

9 thoughts on “How to Scrobble Music from VLC to”

  1. It worked for me, thanks! You do need to restart VLC though, and then wait until the track has finished to see the update appear.

  2. @saeid & Jin –

    Sometimes there’s a delay. I’ve noticed that when it doesn’t work at all, nothing else does either (Spotify etc).

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