This guide will take you step by step through the process of setting up a custom vibration pattern to use for an iPhone contact – so you know exactly who’s calling or texting based on the vibration!
- Select the contact for whom you want to create a custom vibration pattern.
- Tap Edit from the upper-right corner of the screen.
- Scroll down to the section titled Ringtone and select it.
- Now scroll down to the section titled Vibration and select it.
- From here you can choose a pre-created vibration pattern (the Heartbeat one is great) or create your own by selecting Create New Vibration. When you’ve made your selection or created your own, tap the Ringtone link in the upper-left corner to return to the previous screen.
- Confirm that your newly selected vibration is now displayed and then tap Done
- If you want to create a custom vibration pattern for when this contact sends you a text message, tap the Text Tone section and repeat the above steps.
- If you ever want to change this setting just return to this contact in your address book and locate the Ringtone and/or Text Tone sections.