How to Upload Flip Videos to Facebook from a Mac

This tutorial show you step by step how to upload videos taken with your Flip Video camera to Facebook, on a Mac.

Please note: This guide was initially published back in 2010 and some of the software it references has probably changed since then. At this point (2021) you may be better off just copying the video from the Flip and upload it directly to Facebook rather than try to deal with the FlipShare software.

  1. Start out by plugging in your Flip Video camera to a USB port on your Mac. FlipShare should launch automatically. If you don’t have FlipShare installed, give this tutorial a whirl and then head back here.

    Select the video you want to share on Facebook by clicking on it once. Then click the Online button from the Share panel.

  2. FlipShare software on a Mac
    click to enlarge

  3. Select facebook and then click the Next button.
  4. an arrow pointing to the Facebook button in FlipShare for a Mac to upload a video
    click to enlarge

  5. Now you’ll need to sign in and authenticate with Facebook. Click the Login button.
  6. sign in to Facebook
    click to enlarge

  7. Enter your Facebook credentials and click the Login button.
  8. secondary facebook sign-in page
    click to enlarge

  9. Click the Allow button.
  10. an arrow pointing to a button titled Allow
    click to enlarge

  11. Take one last look at the Items to Share list to make sure the right video is going to be uploaded, and then click the Share button.
  12. an arrow pointing to the Share button in the FlipShare software for Mac
    click to enlarge

  13. The bottom left corner of the main FlipShare interface will now display the upload status.
  14. upload a video to Facebook using the Flip app on a Mac

  15. Once the upload has completed, the status will change to Items successfully posted to Facebook. Click on the Facebook link (see screenshot below).
  16. It’s likely that Facebook will need a little bit of time to process the video. Look for a link titled Videos Currently Processing and click it.
  17. a video processing on Facebook
    click to enlarge

  18. Click on the Edit Video link.
  19. editing a video on Facebook
    click to enlarge

  20. From here you can fill out all of the info you want included with your video. Give the video a title, a description, tag anyone in the video (if applicable) and set the Privacy: level accordingly. When you’re done, click the Save button.
  21. adding info to a video on Facebook from the Flip
    click to enlarge

  22. After Facebook has finished processing your video, it will be listed along with all of your others. That’s it – you’re done!
  23. a video on Facebook
    click to enlarge

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